Global Love Market

The World's First Collaboration Platform for the Dating & Relationship Industry.

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Our Vision

Unlocking the true potential of the Dating Industry by win-win Collaboration between Online and Offline Dating Companies.

The Challenge

Currently, there is a gulf between the online and offline dating industry. The online industry has an enormous database but limited time for monetization. While the offline industry has the personalisation and variety of solutions but has limited reach and scalability.

The Solution

Here at the Global Love Market, we aim to create opportunities for collaboration between Online Dating sites, Dating apps, Dating services, Matchmakers, Dating coaches and Singles’ events companies. We believe that the different segments of the dating industry are in fact complementary and can be more enriching when we work together using a holistic approach.

Why Join the Global Love Market?

Seamless mode of getting quality leads to grow your business

Secure and reliable payment systems to protect merchants

Compare your database vs market demands at a glance

On-going commission-revenue stream between `Sellers` and `Matchmakers`

Faster & more efficient way to find compatible matches for your customers

How Does It Work?


Online Dating companies can now monetize their databases more effectively without doing the hard work by cross marketing to a network of Offline Dating Professionals!

Offline Dating Professionals will get to reach out to a bigger singles’ database that has proven interest in their offerings simply by paying for such leads, getting a higher than normal conversion rate!

What can the Global Love Market Offer?

Doing the collaboration over the Global Love Market offers several advantages.

Choose type of dating professionals you would like to work with to add value to your user database

Get your commissions and revenue sharing on a safe and secure platform

Reach thousands of dating professionals faster and more conveniently

Quickly gain a new revenue stream that is synergistic and could keep users longer on your platform

Review how much revenues you are receiving from each collaboration and analyse the results quickly
What Stage of Development are you in?

We are currently in BETA and in the midst of gathering the in initial BETA users for the Global Love Market. If you are a Online dating website or app looking at greater monetization and making your platform even more sticky, do join us now by registering as an early BETA user and enjoy the best deals early.